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Volume 30 Issue 3
Jun 2019
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Article Contents
Yuting Cao, Liang Liu, Chao Wang, Cong Zhang, Lei Kang, Wenqiang Yang, Xiaohui Zhu. Multi-Stage Metamorphism of the UHP Pelitic Gneiss from the Southern Altyn Tagh HP/UHP Belt, Western China: Petrological and Geochronological Evidence. Journal of Earth Science, 2019, 30(3): 603-620. doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-0896-7
Citation: Yuting Cao, Liang Liu, Chao Wang, Cong Zhang, Lei Kang, Wenqiang Yang, Xiaohui Zhu. Multi-Stage Metamorphism of the UHP Pelitic Gneiss from the Southern Altyn Tagh HP/UHP Belt, Western China: Petrological and Geochronological Evidence. Journal of Earth Science, 2019, 30(3): 603-620. doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-0896-7

Multi-Stage Metamorphism of the UHP Pelitic Gneiss from the Southern Altyn Tagh HP/UHP Belt, Western China: Petrological and Geochronological Evidence

doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-0896-7

NSF of Shandong Province ZR2019BD046

Opening Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University 17LCD07

This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China 41872053

Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology 2015CB856103

SDUST Research Fund 2015TDJH101

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Yuting Cao
  • Received Date: 25 Nov 2018
  • Accepted Date: 28 Feb 2019
  • Publish Date: 01 Jun 2019
  • The kyanite-bearing garnet pelitic gneiss from the Jianggalesayi area in southern Altyn Tagh high pressure/ultra-high pressure belt was proved to have been experienced UHP metamorphism (>12 GPa) by the discovery of kyanite and spinel exsolution microstructure in quartz (precursor stishovite). In this study, three stages of retrograded metamorphism (M2-M4) after the UHP metamorphism (M1) were identified for the UHP pelitic gneiss. The HP granulite-facies stage (M2) was characterized by the mineral assemblage of garnet+kyanite+K-feldspar+rutile+quartz±ilmenite, recording the P-T condition of >1.12 GPa and~850-930℃. The granulite-facies stage (M3) was represented by the mineral assemblage of garnet rim+K-feldspar+sillimanite (Sill1)+biotite (Bt1)+plagioclase (Pl1)+ilmenite+quartz, and confined under P-T conditions of 0.5-0.8 GPa and~770-795℃. The late cooling stage M4 was accompanied by the appearance of fine-grained Pl2, Sill2 and Bt2 in the matrix, and the P-T conditions were 0.4-0.6 GPa and < 675℃. A clockwised P-T path was obtained for the pelitic gneiss in the P-T pseudosection, which showed a deep subduction/collision processes with subsequent exhumation and cooling. Combined with the corresponding multistage metamorphic assemblages, the age dating results implied that the zircons from the gneiss have integrated the recording peak metamorphic (M1, 484±3 Ma) and retrograded metamorphic ages (M2 to M3, 450±2 Ma). There was about 32 Ma interval during the first exhumation from the upper mantle depth (>350 km) to the lower crust depth (~40-20 km), resulting in an average exhumation rate of 9.11-9.70 mm/yr. In the southern Altyn Tagh region, the HP and UHP rocks from different areas had identical peak metamorphic ages. Therefore, contemporary UHP and HP rocks with different metamorphic evolutions were recognized coexisting in the same orogenic belt, which can be interpreted by the model of subduction channel. The continental crustal were subducted to different depths along the direction of the subduction channels at~500 Ma, suffered different grade metamorphism, and then returned to the surface along the subduction channel.


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