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Volume 20 Issue 3
Jun 2009
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Article Contents
Barbara Luke, Helena Murvosh, Wanda Taylor, Jeff Wagoner. Three-Dimensional Modeling of Shallow Shear-Wave Velocities for Las Vegas, Nevada, Using Sediment Type. Journal of Earth Science, 2009, 20(3): 555-562. doi: 10.1007/s12583-009-0046-8
Citation: Barbara Luke, Helena Murvosh, Wanda Taylor, Jeff Wagoner. Three-Dimensional Modeling of Shallow Shear-Wave Velocities for Las Vegas, Nevada, Using Sediment Type. Journal of Earth Science, 2009, 20(3): 555-562. doi: 10.1007/s12583-009-0046-8

Three-Dimensional Modeling of Shallow Shear-Wave Velocities for Las Vegas, Nevada, Using Sediment Type

doi: 10.1007/s12583-009-0046-8

the U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-FG52-03NA99204

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Barbara Luke,
  • Received Date: 07 Nov 2008
  • Accepted Date: 27 Jan 2009
  • A three-dimensional model of near-surface shear-wave velocity in the deep alluvial basin underlying the metropolitan area of Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), is being developed for earthquake site response projections. The velocity dataset, which includes 230 measurements, is interpolated across the model using depth-dependent correlations of velocity with sediment type. The sediment-type database contains more than 1 400 well and borehole logs. Sediment sequences reported in logs are assigned to one of four units. A characteristic shear-wave velocity profile is developed for each unit by analyzing closely spaced pairs of velocity profiles and well or borehole logs. The resulting velocity model exhibits reasonable values and patterns, although it does not explicitly honor the measured shear-wave velocity profiles. Site response investigations that applied a preliminary version of the velocity model support a two-zone ground-shaking hazard model for the valley. Areas in which clay predominates in the upper 30 m are predicted to have stronger ground motions than the rest of the basin.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌,
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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