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Volume 20 Issue 3
Jun 2009
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Ugur Yaramanci, Mike Müller-Petke. Improvements in Inversion of Magnetic Resonance Exploration—Water Content, Decay Time, and Resistivity. Journal of Earth Science, 2009, 20(3): 592-605. doi: 10.1007/s12583-009-0049-5
Citation: Ugur Yaramanci, Mike Müller-Petke. Improvements in Inversion of Magnetic Resonance Exploration—Water Content, Decay Time, and Resistivity. Journal of Earth Science, 2009, 20(3): 592-605. doi: 10.1007/s12583-009-0049-5

Improvements in Inversion of Magnetic Resonance Exploration—Water Content, Decay Time, and Resistivity

doi: 10.1007/s12583-009-0049-5

the German Scientific Council as part of a program on Magnetic Resonance 

More Information
  • In this review article, we present recent developments and improvements in magnetic resonance sounding (MRS), a newly established geophysical exploration method that provides unique information about hydrogeophysical properties due to its direct sensitivity to hydrogen protons and proton dynamics. Starting with the most sophisticated and complete MRS formulation, we give a detailed view on how to solve the equation, i.e., inverting exactly for all model parameters: water content, decay time, and resistivity. Giving a short review of general inversion schemes used in geophysics, the special properties of MRS inversion are evaluated and the development of MRS inversion over recent years is shown. We present the extension of MRS to magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), i.e., the extension to two-dimensional investigations and appropriate inversions. Finally, we address restrictions, limitations, and inconsistencies as well as future developments.


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