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Volume 21 Issue 5
Oct 2010
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Jianping Zheng, Huayun Tang, Junhong Zhao, Yuping Su, Chunmei Yu, Qirong Wei, Qingsheng Liu, Xiuling Wu. Age, Trace Elements and Hf-isotope Composition of Zircon in Eclogites from the Sulu UHP Belt, East-Central China: Neoproterozoic Intrusion and Subsequent Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Metamorphism. Journal of Earth Science, 2010, 21(5): 598-622. doi: 10.1007/s12583-010-0122-0
Citation: Jianping Zheng, Huayun Tang, Junhong Zhao, Yuping Su, Chunmei Yu, Qirong Wei, Qingsheng Liu, Xiuling Wu. Age, Trace Elements and Hf-isotope Composition of Zircon in Eclogites from the Sulu UHP Belt, East-Central China: Neoproterozoic Intrusion and Subsequent Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Metamorphism. Journal of Earth Science, 2010, 21(5): 598-622. doi: 10.1007/s12583-010-0122-0

Age, Trace Elements and Hf-isotope Composition of Zircon in Eclogites from the Sulu UHP Belt, East-Central China: Neoproterozoic Intrusion and Subsequent Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Metamorphism

doi: 10.1007/s12583-010-0122-0

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 90714002

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40673002

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40821061

the Ministry of Education of China and the State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs of China B07039

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Zheng Jianping,
  • Received Date: 04 May 2010
  • Accepted Date: 28 Jun 2010
  • Publish Date: 01 Oct 2010
  • The Sulu (苏鲁)-Dabie (大别) orogen in East-Central China formed during the subduction and collision of the Yangtze block with the North China block in Early Mesozoic (240–225 Ma). Constraints on the nature and derivation of eclogites, which are a significant component of the orogen, can provide useful information about subduction-zone metamorphism and crust-mantle interaction. The U-Pb ages, Hf-isotope ratios and trace-element compositions of zircons in eclogites from the Jiangzhuang (蒋庄) (Jiangsu (江苏) Province) and Rongcheng (荣成) (Shandong (山东) Province) areas indicate that the protoliths of the eclogites derived from ultramafic-mafic complexes or mafic intrusion in the subducted continental lithosphere. The upper intercept age of 852±10 Ma and high ɛHf (up to 14.7) of the Neoproterozoic zircons in a Jiangzhuang sample indicate that the protoliths represent products of the Neoproterozoic addition of juvenile materials to the older (i.e., Paleo-Mesoproterozoic) continental crust. The zircon ages of eclogites from both localities mainly record the Triassic (230–220 Ma) metamorphism, consistent with the formation of the Sulu orogen in Early Mesozoic. The lower intercept age of 316±4 Ma in a Jiangzhuang sample suggests that thermal activity relating to the paleo-Tethyan in Late Carboniferous also affected the eclogitic protolith.


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