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Volume 21 Issue 5
Oct 2010
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Feng Shi, Yongfeng Wang, Haijun Xu, Junfeng Zhang. Effects of Lattice Preferred Orientation and Retrogression on Seismic Properties of Eclogite. Journal of Earth Science, 2010, 21(5): 569-580. doi: 10.1007/s12583-010-0123-z
Citation: Feng Shi, Yongfeng Wang, Haijun Xu, Junfeng Zhang. Effects of Lattice Preferred Orientation and Retrogression on Seismic Properties of Eclogite. Journal of Earth Science, 2010, 21(5): 569-580. doi: 10.1007/s12583-010-0123-z

Effects of Lattice Preferred Orientation and Retrogression on Seismic Properties of Eclogite

doi: 10.1007/s12583-010-0123-z

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 90714010

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 90714005

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40821061

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40702034

the Ministry of Education of China and the State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs of China B07039

the Ministry of Education of China and the State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs of China 2007B25

National Basic Research Program of China 2009CB825003

the MOST Special Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences 

More Information
  • We report here lattice preferred orientations (LPOs) and seismic properties of eclogites from the Sulu (苏鲁) UHP terrane. Our results show strong fabrics in omphacite and amphibole, and approximately random fabrics in garnet with or without strong shape preferred orientations (SPOs). Dislocation creep is likely to be responsible for the observed omphacite fabrics that vary with geometry and orientation of finite strain ellipsoid. Weak garnet LPOs suggest that garnet did not accommodate plastic strain or was not deformed by dislocation creep with a dominant slip system. The calculated seismic properties of eclogites and their component minerals show a strong correlation with their LPOs. Seismic anisotropies are mostly induced by omphacite component in fresh eclogites and by amphibole component in retrograded eclogites, respectively. Retrogression of omphacite to amphibole and quartz will increase seismic anisotropies but decreases seismic velocities of eclogite. Garnet component increases the seismic velocities but decreases seismic anisotropies of eclogite. Comparison of the calculated and the measured seismic properties of eclogites suggests that both methods resolve comparable results with some discrepancies. Compositional layering can play a very important role in determining the seismic properties of eclogites in addition to LPO.


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