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Volume 22 Issue 1
Feb 2011
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Jeong HWANG, Xiangshen ZHENG, Edward M. RIPLEY, Jong-Ik LEE, Dongbok SHIN. Isotope geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Barton Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Journal of Earth Science, 2011, 22(1): 40-51. doi: 10.1007/s12583-011-0156-y
Citation: Jeong HWANG, Xiangshen ZHENG, Edward M. RIPLEY, Jong-Ik LEE, Dongbok SHIN. Isotope geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Barton Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Journal of Earth Science, 2011, 22(1): 40-51. doi: 10.1007/s12583-011-0156-y

Isotope geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Barton Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica

doi: 10.1007/s12583-011-0156-y

the KOPRI Project PP10030

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Jeong HWANG,
  • Received Date: 08 Jul 2010
  • Accepted Date: 20 Oct 2010
  • Publish Date: 01 Feb 2011
  • C, O, H, S and Sr isotopes were investigated to characterize the isotopic composition of the Paleocene-Eocene volcanic rocks in Barton Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. The analyzed samples of volcanic rocks cover a range from basalt to andesite. The δ13C and δ18O values of calcite in volcanic rocks range from −7.5‰ to −3.2‰ and 0.4‰ to 5.1‰, respectively. The homogenous δ13Ccal and depleted δ18Ocal values relative to primary magmatic values reflect the effect of high temperature alteration of volcanic rocks. The δ18O of volcanic rocks ranges from −1.1‰ to 7.2‰, and the majority of values are significantly lower than those of primary magmatic values. The lowδ18OWR values are compatible with high temperature alteration. The initial values of 87Sr/86Sr of volcanic rocks span a narrow range from 0.703 312 to 0.703 504 which belong to the present mid-oceanic ridge basalt. The values of 87Sr/86Sr of volcanics in the Barton Peninsula are similar to those determined in the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island. The δDWR and H2O contents of volcanic rocks range from −74‰ to −66‰ and 0.67 wt.% to 2.74 wt.%, respectively. The higher δDWR and H2O wt.% of volcanic rocks relative to fresh basalts also result from high temperature alteration. Sulfur isotope compositions of the volcanic rocks range from −12.5‰ to −7.0‰; these values may represent fractionation accompanying partial oxidation of magmatic S or incorporation of some bacteriogenic sulfide. The low S contents and negative correlation with C and H2O reflect the formation of calcite and breakdown of sulfide as a result of high temperature water-rock interaction.


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