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Volume 24 Issue 1
Feb 2013
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Qingsheng LIU, Hongcai WANG, Jianping ZHENG, Qingli ZENG, Qingsong LIU. Petromagnetic properties of granulite-facies rocks from the northern North China Craton: Implications for magnetic and evolution of the continental lower crust. Journal of Earth Science, 2013, 24(1): 12-28. doi: 10.1007/s12583-013-0314-5
Citation: Qingsheng LIU, Hongcai WANG, Jianping ZHENG, Qingli ZENG, Qingsong LIU. Petromagnetic properties of granulite-facies rocks from the northern North China Craton: Implications for magnetic and evolution of the continental lower crust. Journal of Earth Science, 2013, 24(1): 12-28. doi: 10.1007/s12583-013-0314-5

Petromagnetic properties of granulite-facies rocks from the northern North China Craton: Implications for magnetic and evolution of the continental lower crust

doi: 10.1007/s12583-013-0314-5
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Qingsheng LIU:
  • Received Date: 05 Jun 2012
  • Accepted Date: 06 Sep 2012
  • Publish Date: 01 Feb 2013
  • This paper studies magnetic properties and composition of granulite-facies rocks of both the Neogene and Archean continental lower crust in the Neogene xenolith-bearing Hannuoba(汉诺坝) alkaline basalt and the exposed lower crustal section in the Archean Huai'an(淮安) terrain (Wayaokou (瓦窑口)-Manjinggou(蔓菁沟profile), the northern North China Craton. It provides a unique opportunity for a comparative study of magnetic properties and composition of both the Archean and Neogene continental lower crust. We measure magnetic parameters (susceptibility κ and magnetic hysteresis parameters, such as saturation magnetization Js, saturation isothermal remanent magnetization Jrs, and intrinsic coercivity Hc) of eleven Hannuoba lower crustal xenoliths and nine terrain granulites from the Archean Huai'an terrain. Results indicate that the average values ofκ, Js and Jrs of Archean granulites are 4 122×10−6 SI, 523.1 A/m and 74.9 A/m, respectively, which are generally higher than those of granulite-facies xenoliths (1 657×10−6 SI, 163.9 A/m and 41.9 A/m, respectively). These two types of granulites contain ilmenite, (titano) magnetite, minor hematite and some "magnetic silicates" (clinopyroxene, plagioclase and biotite). The Mg-rich ilmenite in granulite-facies xenolith is relatively higher than that in terrain granulites. We observe a more evolved character as higher magnetic as well as lower Sr/Nd, Cr/Nd, Ni/Nd, Co/Nd and V/Nd ratios in terrain granulites. These differences in magnetic characteristics reflect their different origins and evolutions. The high magnetization of granulites in the Huai'an terrain represents magnetic properties of the Archean continental lower crust, and low magnetization of granulite-facies xenoliths represents magnetic properties of the Cenozoic lower crusts in the northern North China Craton.


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