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Volume 25 Issue 3
Jun 2014
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Muhammad Sajid, Mohammad Arif, M Tahir Shah. Petrogenesis of Granites from the Utla Area of Gadoon, North-West Pakistan: Implications from Petrography and Geochemistry. Journal of Earth Science, 2014, 25(3): 445-459. doi: 10.1007/s12583-014-0435-5
Citation: Muhammad Sajid, Mohammad Arif, M Tahir Shah. Petrogenesis of Granites from the Utla Area of Gadoon, North-West Pakistan: Implications from Petrography and Geochemistry. Journal of Earth Science, 2014, 25(3): 445-459. doi: 10.1007/s12583-014-0435-5

Petrogenesis of Granites from the Utla Area of Gadoon, North-West Pakistan: Implications from Petrography and Geochemistry

doi: 10.1007/s12583-014-0435-5
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Muhammad Sajid,
  • Received Date: 13 Sep 2013
  • Accepted Date: 23 Feb 2014
  • Publish Date: 01 Jun 2014
  • The granitic rocks around the Utla area (Gadoon),north western,Pakistan are studied in terms of their petrographic features and geochemical characteristics. Although predominantly mega-porphyritic,some of the Utla granites are massive and display fine-grained equi-granular texture. Some of the mega-porphyritic varieties exhibit foliation and seem to be restricted to shear zones. In addition to being distributed largely as phenocrysts,all the essential minerals (plagioclase,perthitic alkali feldspar and quartz) also constitute the groundmass. The studied samples also contain minor to accessory amounts of tourmaline,muscovite and biotite and accessory to trace amounts of apatite,andalusite,garnet,zircon,monazite,epidote and sphene. A detailed geochemical investigation reveals a calc-alkaline and peraluminous character of the Utla granites. The peraluminous character and total lack of hornblende designate their S-type character while a volcanic arc or syn-collisional tectonic setting for their emplacement is indicated by discrimination diagrams. Further examination shows that the melt parental to the Utla granite was derived from a plagioclase-poor,clay-rich rock,i.e.,pelite. The petrogenetically significant petrographic and geochemical features of the Utla granite show greater similarity with the Mansehra than the Ambela granites. These include (ⅰ) the predominantly megaporphyritic texture,(ⅱ) the presence of andalusite and tourmaline,(ⅲ) the calc-alkaline geochemical signature and (ⅳ) an indication of similar melt source rock character.


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