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Volume 28 Issue 3
Jun 2017
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Qinghua Wu, Chunmiao Zheng, Jiafa Zhang, Fawang Zhang. Nitrate Removal by a Permeable Reactive Barrier of Fe0: A Model-Based Evaluation. Journal of Earth Science, 2017, 28(3): 447-456. doi: 10.1007/s12583-016-0924-2
Citation: Qinghua Wu, Chunmiao Zheng, Jiafa Zhang, Fawang Zhang. Nitrate Removal by a Permeable Reactive Barrier of Fe0: A Model-Based Evaluation. Journal of Earth Science, 2017, 28(3): 447-456. doi: 10.1007/s12583-016-0924-2

Nitrate Removal by a Permeable Reactive Barrier of Fe0: A Model-Based Evaluation

doi: 10.1007/s12583-016-0924-2
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  • Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) filled with zero valent iron (ZVI, Fe0) can be an effective option to remove nitrate from contaminated groundwater. The long-term performance of such PRBs, however, might be compromised by the problem of declining reactivity and permeability, which could cause a decrease in the nitrate removal efficiency. In this study we explored suitable model formulations that allow for a process-based quantification of the passivation effect on denitrification rates and tested the model for a 40 years long operation scenario. The conceptual model underlying our selected formulation assumes the declining reactivity of the ZVI material through the progressing passivation caused by the precipitation of secondary minerals and the successive depletion of the ZVI material. Two model scenarios, i.e., the base model scenario which neglects the explicit consideration of the passivation effect and one performed with the model in which the impact of the passivation effect on denitrification was considered, were compared. The modeling results illustrate that nitrate removal in the model of considered passivation started to be incomplete after 10 years, and the effluent nitrate concentration of PRB rose up to 86% of the injected water concentration after 40 years, in contrast to the base scenario, corresponding well with the field observations of successively declining nitrate removal efficiencies. The model results also showed that the porosity of the PRB increased in both models. In order to improve and recover the reactivity of ZVI, pyrite was added to the PRB, resulting in completely nitrate removal and lower consumption of ZVI.


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