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Volume 28 Issue 5
Oct 2017
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David A. Wood. Re-Establishing the Merits of Thermal Maturity and Petroleum Generation Multi-Dimensional Modeling with an Arrhenius Equation Using a Single Activation Energy. Journal of Earth Science, 2017, 28(5): 804-834. doi: 10.1007/s12583-017-0735-7
Citation: David A. Wood. Re-Establishing the Merits of Thermal Maturity and Petroleum Generation Multi-Dimensional Modeling with an Arrhenius Equation Using a Single Activation Energy. Journal of Earth Science, 2017, 28(5): 804-834. doi: 10.1007/s12583-017-0735-7

Re-Establishing the Merits of Thermal Maturity and Petroleum Generation Multi-Dimensional Modeling with an Arrhenius Equation Using a Single Activation Energy

doi: 10.1007/s12583-017-0735-7
More Information
  • Corresponding author: David A. Wood,
  • Received Date: 25 Feb 2017
  • Accepted Date: 03 May 2017
  • Publish Date: 01 Oct 2017
  • Thermal maturation and petroleum generation modeling of shales is essential for successful exploration and exploitation of conventional and unconventional oil and gas plays. For basin-wide unconventional resource plays such modeling, when well calibrated with direct maturity measurements from wells, can characterize and locate production sweet spots for oil, wet gas and dry gas. The transformation of kerogen to petroleum is associated with many chemical reactions, but models typically focus on first-order reactions with rates determined by the Arrhenius Equation. A misconception has been perpetuated for many years that accurate thermal maturity modeling of vitrinite reflectance using the Arrhenius Equation and a single activation energy, to derive a time-temperature index (∑TTIARR), as proposed by Wood (1988), is flawed. This claim was initially made by Sweeney and Burnham (1990) in promoting their "EasyRo" method, and repeated by others. This paper demonstrates through detailed multi-dimensional burial and thermal modeling and direct comparison of the ∑TTIARR and "EasyRo" methods that this is not the case. The ∑TTIARR method not only provides a very useful and sensitive maturity index, it can reproduce the calculated vitrinite reflectance values derived from models based on multiple activation energies (e.g., "EasyRo"). Through simple expressions the ∑TTIARR method can also provide oil and gas transformation factors that can be flexibly scaled and calibrated to match the oil, wet gas and dry gas generation windows. This is achieved in a more-computationally-efficient, flexible and transparent way by the ∑TTIARR method than the "EasyRo" method. Analysis indicates that the "EasyRo" method, using twenty activation energies and a constant frequency factor, generates reaction rates and transformation factors that do not realistically model observed kerogen behaviour and transformation factors over geologic time scales.


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