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Volume 29 Issue 5
Oct 2018
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Zeming Zhang, Huixia Ding, Xin Dong, Zuolin Tian, Dongyan Kang, Hongchen Mu, Shengkai Qin, Yuanyuan Jiang, Mengmei Li. High-Temperature Metamorphism, Anataxis and Tectonic Evolution of a Mafic Granulite from the Eastern Himalayan Orogen. Journal of Earth Science, 2018, 29(5): 1010-1025. doi: 10.1007/s12583-018-0852-y
Citation: Zeming Zhang, Huixia Ding, Xin Dong, Zuolin Tian, Dongyan Kang, Hongchen Mu, Shengkai Qin, Yuanyuan Jiang, Mengmei Li. High-Temperature Metamorphism, Anataxis and Tectonic Evolution of a Mafic Granulite from the Eastern Himalayan Orogen. Journal of Earth Science, 2018, 29(5): 1010-1025. doi: 10.1007/s12583-018-0852-y

High-Temperature Metamorphism, Anataxis and Tectonic Evolution of a Mafic Granulite from the Eastern Himalayan Orogen

doi: 10.1007/s12583-018-0852-y
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Zeming Zhang
  • Received Date: 28 Apr 2018
  • Accepted Date: 20 Jul 2018
  • Publish Date: 01 Oct 2018
  • The Himalayan Orogen, resulting from the Tertiary collision of Indian and Asian continents, is a natural laboratory for studying metamorphism, partial melting and granite formation of collisional orogens. However, metamorphic and anatectic conditions and timescales of meta-mafic rocks in the Greater Himalayan Sequences (GHS) in the east-central Himalaya remain controversial. In this paper, we conduct a study of petrology and geochronology of mafic granulite from the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS). The mafic granulite with abundant leucosome bands occurs as layers within felsic granulites and is well deformed. The granulite consists of garnet, plagioclase, amphibole and quartz with minor clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, biotite, rutile, titanite and ilmenite. The garnet has growth compositional zoning and contains abundant mineral inclusions in its core. Peak metamorphic mineral assemblage of the granulite is garnet, amphibole, plagioclase, quartz, clinopyroxene and rutile, recording a high-pressure (HP) and high-temperature (HT) peak-metamorphism under conditions of 14-15.5 kbar and 780-790℃ in the presence of melt. The reconstructed clockwise P-T path is characterized by an early heating and burial prograde metamorphism, and late isothermal and cooling decompression retrogression. The granulite witnessed a long lasting HT metamorphism, partial melting and melt crystallization process which began at ca. 39 Ma and lasted to ca. 11 Ma. The present study shows that various high-grade rocks of the GHS in the EHS core experienced similar metamorphic conditions and P-T-t paths, indicating that they occurred as a coherent slab during the subduction and exhumation of Indian lithosphere. The significant melts generated during the prograde metamorphism of the GHS rocks not only contributed to the formation of the Himalayan leucogranite, but also resulted in the rheological weakening and ductile flow of the thickened lower crust of the Himalayan Orogen.


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