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Volume 30 Issue 5
Oct 2019
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Hong Liu, Xiucheng Tan, Ling Li, Xiong Ding, Jian Cao, Guang Yang, Teng Ma. Eogenetic Karst in Interbedded Carbonates and Evaporites and Its Impact on Hydrocarbon Reservoir: A New Case from Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation in Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Journal of Earth Science, 2019, 30(5): 908-923. doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-0888-7
Citation: Hong Liu, Xiucheng Tan, Ling Li, Xiong Ding, Jian Cao, Guang Yang, Teng Ma. Eogenetic Karst in Interbedded Carbonates and Evaporites and Its Impact on Hydrocarbon Reservoir: A New Case from Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation in Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Journal of Earth Science, 2019, 30(5): 908-923. doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-0888-7

Eogenetic Karst in Interbedded Carbonates and Evaporites and Its Impact on Hydrocarbon Reservoir: A New Case from Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation in Sichuan Basin, Southwest China

doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-0888-7
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Xiucheng Tan
  • Received Date: 08 Nov 2017
  • Accepted Date: 16 May 2018
  • Publish Date: 01 Oct 2019
  • Karst in interbedded carbonates and evaporites has been reported to have important and complex impacts on reservoir. It is significant for exploration and karst geology. Here, we report such a new case from Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation of Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Stratigraphic incom-pleteness and the occurrence of unconformity provide evidence for the presence of eogenetic karst. Under the impact of this eogenetic karst, residual weathered and solution-collapse breccia, solution pores and silicification and dedolomitization have been observed. Classic stratigraphic zonation of karst is not readily distinguishable, which is ascribed to the stratigraphic collapse of carbonate rocks resulting from the dissolution of evaporites by lateral subsurface fluid flow. In terms of impact on reservoir quality, karst can generally improve the initial physical property of the porous layers in theory. However, subsurface fluid flow dissolved the evarporitic beds and facilitated the collapse of overlying strata. As a consequence, the lateral continuity of the reservoirs would be destroyed, and relatively high-quality reservoirs can only be developed with little collapse of overlying strata, reflecting reservoir heterogeneities. This may be a general feature of reservoir formation under the impact of karst in interbedded carbonates and evaporites.


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