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Volume 30 Issue 6
Dec 2019
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Article Contents
Arne P. Willner, Michael Gopon, Johannes Glodny, Victor N. Puchkov, Hans-Peter Schertl. Timanide (Ediacaran-Early Cambrian) Metamorphism at the Transition from Eclogite to Amphibolite Facies in the Beloretsk Complex, SW-Urals, Russia. Journal of Earth Science, 2019, 30(6): 1144-1165. doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-1249-2
Citation: Arne P. Willner, Michael Gopon, Johannes Glodny, Victor N. Puchkov, Hans-Peter Schertl. Timanide (Ediacaran-Early Cambrian) Metamorphism at the Transition from Eclogite to Amphibolite Facies in the Beloretsk Complex, SW-Urals, Russia. Journal of Earth Science, 2019, 30(6): 1144-1165. doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-1249-2

Timanide (Ediacaran-Early Cambrian) Metamorphism at the Transition from Eclogite to Amphibolite Facies in the Beloretsk Complex, SW-Urals, Russia

doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-1249-2
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Arne P. Willner
  • Received Date: 21 Jun 2019
  • Accepted Date: 15 Sep 2019
  • Publish Date: 01 Dec 2019
  • The Beloretsk Metamorphic Complex in the SW Urals formed at a convergent eastern margin of Baltica during the Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian Timanide orogeny. It comprises three major units with lenses of facies-critical metabasites within metasedimentary rocks:A lowermost eclogite unit, an intermediate garnet amphibolite unit and an upper amphibolite-greenschist unit. Pressure (P)-temperature (T)-paths of four rocks from the two lowermost units were determined mainly by PT pseudosection techniques showing similar clockwise loops at different peak metamorphic, water-satu-rated conditions:A phengite-bearing eclogite shows peak PT conditions of 16.5-18.5 kbar/525-550℃ (stage Ⅰ) followed by stage Ⅱ at 11.5-13.0 kbar/585-615℃. A garnet amphibolite from the intermediate unit yields lower peak conditions of 11.7-14.5 kbar/480-510℃ (stage Ⅰ) followed by stage Ⅱ at 9.5-11.0 kbar/535-560℃. However, a granite gneiss in the eclogite unit shows similar maximum pressures as the eclogite, but higher temperatures at 15.6-16.2 kbar/660-675℃, whereas a garnet micaschist contains comparable high pressure relicts, but underwent an advanced midcrustal reequilibration at 7.5-9.0 kbar/555-610℃. We dated the eclogite by a 7-point Rb/Sr mineral isochron (phengite, omphacite, apa-tite) at 532.2±9.1 Ma interpreted as age of crystallisation of the eclogitic peak PT assemblage. This age is the youngest compared to the known Timanide metamorphic and magmatic ages.


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