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Volume 32 Issue 3
Jun 2021
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Viktor Karádi. Evolutionary Trends of the Genus Ancyrogondolella (Conodonta) and Related Taxa in the Norian (Late Triassic). Journal of Earth Science, 2021, 32(3): 700-708. doi: 10.1007/s12583-020-1381-z
Citation: Viktor Karádi. Evolutionary Trends of the Genus Ancyrogondolella (Conodonta) and Related Taxa in the Norian (Late Triassic). Journal of Earth Science, 2021, 32(3): 700-708. doi: 10.1007/s12583-020-1381-z

Evolutionary Trends of the Genus Ancyrogondolella (Conodonta) and Related Taxa in the Norian (Late Triassic)

doi: 10.1007/s12583-020-1381-z
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Viktor Karádi,;
  • Received Date: 08 Oct 2020
  • Accepted Date: 27 Nov 2020
  • Publish Date: 01 Jun 2021
  • The Norian represents the longest stage of the Triassic, nevertheless, its precise subdivision is an unresolved matter. Conodonts might be useful in the establishment of an accurate biozonation to avoid common scientific misinterpretations. Understanding the Norian evolutionary trends and morphological changes of the Ancyrogondolella lineage (genus Ancyrogondolella and descendant genera Epigondolella, Orchardella and Mockina) is of key importance in this issue. The forward shifting of the pit and the posterior prolongation of the keel and the carina characterize the main trend that corresponds to the faunal turnover around the Lacian-Alaunian transition. A gradual decrease in overall element width and length can be observed from that time on, which couples with a decrease in the length of the free blade and an increase in the height of the anterior platform denticles. The presence of secondary carinae is characteristic for the mid-Lacian 1 to Alaunian 1, but their development shows no trends and has no taxonomic value. Adult specimens of the Lacian generally have an arched lower profile, whereas in the Alaunian and Sevatian the lower profile is dominantly stepped or straight. The thorough documentation of the Tethyan assemblages is needed for any detailed taxonomic and paleobiogeographic comparisons with other regions.


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