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Volume 34 Issue 4
Aug 2023
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Gong Cheng, Hongrui Zhang, Huan Li, Xiaoqing Deng, Safiyanu Muhammad Elatikpo, Jiaxuan Li, Zhenguang Hu, Guangqiang Li. Quantitative Inversion of REEs in Ion-Adsorbed Rare Earth Ores from the Liutang Area (South China), Based on Measured Hyperspectral Data. Journal of Earth Science, 2023, 34(4): 1068-1082. doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1504-1
Citation: Gong Cheng, Hongrui Zhang, Huan Li, Xiaoqing Deng, Safiyanu Muhammad Elatikpo, Jiaxuan Li, Zhenguang Hu, Guangqiang Li. Quantitative Inversion of REEs in Ion-Adsorbed Rare Earth Ores from the Liutang Area (South China), Based on Measured Hyperspectral Data. Journal of Earth Science, 2023, 34(4): 1068-1082. doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1504-1

Quantitative Inversion of REEs in Ion-Adsorbed Rare Earth Ores from the Liutang Area (South China), Based on Measured Hyperspectral Data

doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1504-1
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Huan Li,
  • Received Date: 05 Jan 2021
  • Accepted Date: 04 Jul 2021
  • Available Online: 01 Aug 2023
  • Issue Publish Date: 30 Aug 2023
  • Rare earth minerals are important strategic resources to economic development all over the world. In this study, multiple linear regression and back propagation (BP) neural network methods are used to invert the contents of ion adsorbed rare earth elements (REEs) and exploring the feasibility of quantitative inversion of REEs through measured hyperspectral data in Liutang rare earth mines, South China. The result shows that the spectral curve of the rare earth ore samples has obvious absorption characteristics around 390, 930, 1 400, 1 900 and 2 200 nm, and continuum removal and the 1st derivative treatment can highlight the absorption characteristics. The modeling accuracies of BP neural network are higher than that of multiple linear regression model. The BP neural network model of the 1st derivative data in 400–1 000 nm bands has the best inversion result of the total content of REEs, R2 reaches 0.98, the ratio of the performance to deviation (RPD) is larger than 3.0. The quantitative inversion model of each REE (except for Ce) has high precision, R2 is greater than 0.90 and RPD is greater than 3.0. The results indicate that quantitative inversion of REEs using measured spectra not only has great potential and feasibility in the exploration of rare earth minerals, but also provides a rapid test method for the content of ion-adsorbed rare earth elements.


  • Electronic Supplementary Materials: Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at
    Conflict of Interest
    The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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