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Volume 34 Issue 4
Aug 2023
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Lin Zhang, Yanfeng Liu, Menggui Jin, Xing Liang. Spatiotemporal Variability in Extreme Temperature Events in an Arid-Semiarid Region of China and Their Teleconnections with Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation. Journal of Earth Science, 2023, 34(4): 1201-1217. doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1517-9
Citation: Lin Zhang, Yanfeng Liu, Menggui Jin, Xing Liang. Spatiotemporal Variability in Extreme Temperature Events in an Arid-Semiarid Region of China and Their Teleconnections with Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation. Journal of Earth Science, 2023, 34(4): 1201-1217. doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1517-9

Spatiotemporal Variability in Extreme Temperature Events in an Arid-Semiarid Region of China and Their Teleconnections with Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation

doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1517-9
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Menggui Jin,
  • Received Date: 02 Apr 2021
  • Accepted Date: 20 Jul 2021
  • Available Online: 01 Aug 2023
  • Issue Publish Date: 30 Aug 2023
  • With a warming climate, temperature extremes have been a main global issue in recent decades due to their potential influence on the sustainable development of human life and natural ecosystems. In this study, 12 indicators of extreme temperature events are used to evaluate the spatiotemporal distribution, periodic structure and teleconnections with large-scale atmospheric circulation in Xinjiang, Northwest China by combining wavelet coherence (WTC) analysis based on continuous wavelet transform (CWT) analysis with the sequential Mann-Kendall test. We find that over the past six decades, the climate in Xinjiang has become warmer and has suffered from increases in the frequency of warm extremes and decreases in the frequency of cold extremes. Warm extremes have mainly occurred in the southern Tianshan Mountains surrounding the Tarim Basin and western part of the Taklamakan Desert, and cold extremes have primarily occurred in the southwestern Altai Mountains and northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains. Extreme temperature events, including warm extremes, cold extremes, and other temperature indices, have significant interannual variability, with the main oscillation periods at smaller (2–4-year band), intermediate (4–7-year band), and greater time scales in recent decades. Furthermore, cold-extreme indices, including frost days, cool days, and cool nights all show a clear changepoint during 1990–1997 at the 95% confidence level, and both ice days and cold spell duration indicator have a potential changepoint during 1981–1986. However, the changing points for warm-extreme indices are detected during 1992–1998. The temperature variables are significantly correlated with the EI Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Arctic Oscillation (AO), but less well correlated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The phase difference in the WTC spectra is not uniform between temperature extremes and climatic oscillations. Our findings will have important implications for local governments in taking effective measures to mitigate the potential effects of regional climate warming due to human activities in Xinjiang.


  • Electronic Supplementary Materials: Supplementary materials (Figures S1–S3, Tables S1–S5) are available in the online version of this article at
    Conflict of Interest
    The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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