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Volume 33 Issue 1
Feb 2022
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Hongjun Jiang, Chunsi Yang, Dequan Wang, Hui Zheng, Jie Li, Huayong Chen. Multiple-Stage Mineralization in the Huayangchuan U-REE-Mo-Cu-Fe Ore Belt of the Qinling Orogen, Central China: Geological and Re-Os Geochronological Constraints. Journal of Earth Science, 2022, 33(1): 193-204. doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1557-1
Citation: Hongjun Jiang, Chunsi Yang, Dequan Wang, Hui Zheng, Jie Li, Huayong Chen. Multiple-Stage Mineralization in the Huayangchuan U-REE-Mo-Cu-Fe Ore Belt of the Qinling Orogen, Central China: Geological and Re-Os Geochronological Constraints. Journal of Earth Science, 2022, 33(1): 193-204. doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1557-1

Multiple-Stage Mineralization in the Huayangchuan U-REE-Mo-Cu-Fe Ore Belt of the Qinling Orogen, Central China: Geological and Re-Os Geochronological Constraints

doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1557-1
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Huayong Chen,
  • Received Date: 03 Jun 2021
  • Accepted Date: 28 Sep 2021
  • Publish Date: 28 Feb 2022
  • The Huayangchuan ore belt is located in the western segment of Xiaoqinling Orogen in the southern margin of the North China Craton (NCC), and hosts voluminous magmatism and significant U-REE-Mo-Cu-Fe polymetallic mineralization. However, geochronological framework of the various mineralization phases in this region is poorly understood. Here, we present new Re-Os isochron ages on magnetite from the Caotan Fe deposit (2 675±410 Ma, MSWD=0.55), and on pyrite from the Jialu REE deposit (2 127±280 Ma, MSWD=1.9) and Yuejiawa Cu deposit (418±23 Ma, MSWD=11.5), and Re-Os weighted average model age on pyrite from the Taoyuan Mo-U deposit (235±14 Ma, MSWD=0.17). These ages, combined with regional geology and mineralization ages from other deposits, suggest that mineralization in the Huayangchuan ore belt lasted from the Neoarchean to the Late Mesozoic. The mineralization corresponds to regional tectono-magmatic events, including the Neoarchean alkali magmatism (REE mineralization), Paleoproterozoic plagioclase-amphibolite emplacement (Fe mineralization), Paleoproterozoic pegmatite magmatism (U mineralization), Paleozoic Shangdan oceanic slab subduction-related arc magmatism (Cu mineralization), Early Mesozoic Paleo-Tethys Ocean subduction-related arc magmatism (Mo-U mineralization), and Late Mesozoic Paleo-Pacific oceanic plate subduction direction change-related Mo(-Pb) mineralization. We proposed that the Huayangchuan ore belt has undergone prolonged metallogenic evolution, and the magmatism and associated mineralization were controlled by regional geodynamic events.


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