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Volume 33 Issue 6
Dec 2022
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Benxun Su. Cretaceous Meteorite Impact-Induced Initial Subduction: Records of highly Siderophile Element Abundances and Re-Os Isotopes in Ophiolites. Journal of Earth Science, 2022, 33(6): 1526-1534. doi: 10.1007/s12583-022-1734-x
Citation: Benxun Su. Cretaceous Meteorite Impact-Induced Initial Subduction: Records of highly Siderophile Element Abundances and Re-Os Isotopes in Ophiolites. Journal of Earth Science, 2022, 33(6): 1526-1534. doi: 10.1007/s12583-022-1734-x

Cretaceous Meteorite Impact-Induced Initial Subduction: Records of highly Siderophile Element Abundances and Re-Os Isotopes in Ophiolites

doi: 10.1007/s12583-022-1734-x
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Benxun Su,
  • Received Date: 04 Jul 2022
  • Accepted Date: 01 Sep 2022
  • Issue Publish Date: 30 Dec 2022
  • Compiled global ophiolite data reveal that Cretaceous ophiolites exhibit broaden variations in 187Re/188Os and 187Os/188Os values, increases in Re concentrations and thus Re/Os ratios in all peridotites and chromitites, and additional increased PPGE/IPGE (Pd-subgroup platinum-group element (PGE)/Ir-subgroup PGE) ratios in chromitites and dunites relative to pre-Cretaceous ophiolites. These compositional changes in Cretaceous ophiolites, which mostly formed in subduction initiation settings, cannot be attributed solely to involvement of subducting or previously subducted crustal materials. Here, the author proposes a Cretaceous meteorite impact model that led to impact-induced disruption of oceanic lithosphere, asthenosphere upwelling, subduction initiation at edges of laterally spreading anomalies. High-pressure and high-temperature conditions during the impacts caused melting of the meteorites and the ambient crustal and mantle rocks, producing hybrid melts containing partially unmelted fragments. Crustal materials contributed to the elevated 187Os/188Os values, Re and Re/Os ratios, whereas the undifferentiated meteorite accounted for the increases in the PPGE/IPGE and decreased 187Os/188Os ratios. Shock pressure and super-reduced phases were likely generated by this process and were subsequently transported into the newly formed mantle peridotites and chromitites of future ophiolites. The remaining meteoritic and lithospheric fragments most likely sank deeper and were distributed widely in the convecting mantle to produce the observed global compositional heterogeneities.


  • Electronic Supplementary Materials: Supplementary materials (Data Sources and Fig. S1) are available in the online version of this article at
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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