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Volume 35 Issue 5
Oct 2024
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Yaşar Eren, Şeyda Parlar, Berkant Coşkuner, Şükrü Arslan. Geological and Morphological Features of the Karapınar Sinkholes (Konya, Central Anatolia, Türkiye). Journal of Earth Science, 2024, 35(5): 1654-1668. doi: 10.1007/s12583-023-1853-z
Citation: Yaşar Eren, Şeyda Parlar, Berkant Coşkuner, Şükrü Arslan. Geological and Morphological Features of the Karapınar Sinkholes (Konya, Central Anatolia, Türkiye). Journal of Earth Science, 2024, 35(5): 1654-1668. doi: 10.1007/s12583-023-1853-z

Geological and Morphological Features of the Karapınar Sinkholes (Konya, Central Anatolia, Türkiye)

doi: 10.1007/s12583-023-1853-z
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Yaşar Eren,
  • Received Date: 12 Aug 2021
  • Accepted Date: 07 Jan 2022
  • Issue Publish Date: 30 Oct 2024
  • Karapınar region (Konya, Türkiye) is one of the important regions of the world in terms of sinkhole formations. The research aimed to map the sinkholes in detail, to determine their spatial distribution and geometrical parameters. For this purpose, the long axes, short axes, depths and the proximity to settlements of the sinkholes were measured and their circumferences and areas were calculated. During the studies, the relationship of the sinkholes with lithology, their cross sections, shapes and the related structures were determined and the sinkholes were divided into five main groups as following: Basement rock sinkholes, Obruk Plateau sinkholes, Seyithacı sinkholes, Siyeklik sinkholes and Basin sinkholes. The d/l ratios of each sinkhole group were separately determined and interpreted. Accordingly, most of the d/l ratios are smaller than 0.2. Namely, the long axes are higher than the depth and it indicates that the shallow and wide sinkholes are common in the region. It has been determined that the fracture systems in the region, as well as the lithology and groundwater factors, are quite effective in the formation and distribution of the sinkholes in the Karapınar region. Considering the distance of the sinkholes to the settlements, Seyithacı sinkholes are the most risky group in the region because they are deep and close to the settlements.


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    The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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