The Paleo-Pacific Plate stagnated in the mantle transition zone beneath northeast Asia during the late Mesozoic, resulting in the eastern Asian big mantle wedge (BMW). However, its formation mechanism remains unclear. Here, we analyzed elemental and isotopic compositions of 126–60 Ma intraplate basaltic rocks to map the mantle flow pattern and investigate the implications for the formation of the BMW. These rocks exhibit eastward an increase in Ba/Nb, Ba/La,
86Sr, and
204Pb ratios, while decrease in Nb/Yb, Zr/Yb, Ta/Yb, and Nb/Nb
* ratios, indicating mixing between the fertile mantle and the depleted mantle modified by slab material, implying the occurrence of trench-perpendicular mantle flow. The coeval mantle flow and formation of the BMW, the similar directions of mantle flow and Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction, and migration of basin depocenters indicate trench-perpendicular mantle flow was a key factor in the formation of the BMW. Moreover, these basaltic rocks have elevated δ
66Zn values (0.22‰ to 0.52‰), indicating recycled carbonates have been added into their mantle source, which increased the mantle flow velocity. Combined with slab rollback in the late Mesozoic, it created the essential conditions for mantle flow to promote the formation of the eastern Asian BMW.