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Volume 11 Issue 4
Dec 2000
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V Miller Yu, M S Dufour. Tectonometamorphic Cycles in Different Geodynamic Conditions. Journal of Earth Science, 2000, 11(4): 383-391.
Citation: V Miller Yu, M S Dufour. Tectonometamorphic Cycles in Different Geodynamic Conditions. Journal of Earth Science, 2000, 11(4): 383-391.

Tectonometamorphic Cycles in Different Geodynamic Conditions


the Russian fund of hasic researches 99 05 65206

the Russian fund of hasic researches 96 15 98427

  • Received Date: 10 Aug 2000
  • Accepted Date: 10 Sep 2000
  • Formation and attenuation of crust thermal anomalies, accompanied by development of geological structures, are governed by special laws, together with metamorphism and other endogenic process, form tectonometamorphic cycle (TMC). Because of rock rheology under metamorphic conditions, the structures, concurring with metamorphism, reflect geodynamic conditions much more perfect than those of the structures of nonmetamorphosed rocks. For this reason, structural investigations open wide, sometimes unique, possibilities for geodynamic research into regional metamorphosed terrains. The TMC features under different geodynamic conditions are shown with examples of California (subduction), Himalaya and Junggar Alatau (collision), and Northwest environs of the White Sea (polycyclic development). The analysis of these units serves as basis of some general conclusions. TMC, the steady pattern of crust thermal anomalies manifestation, does not practically depend on peculiarities of metamorphism. At lower and middle crust levels, occur the high-temperature complete cycles that include following two stages. The first is represented by nappes and paragenes of parallel bedding flow, the second, by linear folds, domes and faults. At top levels of fold complexes display the low-temperature reduced cycles, expressed only by structures of the second stage. There are gradual transitions between the complete and reduced cycles. Thermal anomalies in the first stage of complete cycles devolop against the background of large horizontal displacements at contacts between interacting plates or are genetically connected with their gently sloping fault planes. Of all structural elements of the cycles, in compressional environments (nappes, linear folds, domes etc.), only the structures of the first stage of complete cycles can be considered as indications of plate tectonics. Presence of such structures at the most ancient supracrustal complexes point to existence of plate tectonics already at the early stages of geological development of the earth.


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