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Volume 11 Issue 4
Dec 2000
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Hongfei Zhang, Benren Zhang, Zengqiu Zhong, Shan Gao, Shenghong Hu. Geochemistry of Gneisses from Dabie Complex and Tongbai Complex in Qinling-Tongbai-Dabie Orogenic Belt: Implications for Location of Yangtze-Sino-Korean Suture. Journal of Earth Science, 2000, 11(4): 392-405.
Citation: Hongfei Zhang, Benren Zhang, Zengqiu Zhong, Shan Gao, Shenghong Hu. Geochemistry of Gneisses from Dabie Complex and Tongbai Complex in Qinling-Tongbai-Dabie Orogenic Belt: Implications for Location of Yangtze-Sino-Korean Suture. Journal of Earth Science, 2000, 11(4): 392-405.

Geochemistry of Gneisses from Dabie Complex and Tongbai Complex in Qinling-Tongbai-Dabie Orogenic Belt: Implications for Location of Yangtze-Sino-Korean Suture


the National Natural Science Foundation of China 49794043

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40073005

the Open Laboratory of Constitution, Interaction and Dynamics of the Crust-Mantle System, Ministry of Land and Mineral Resources of China 

  • Received Date: 20 Sep 2000
  • Accepted Date: 08 Oct 2000
  • The Dabie complex(DC)and the Tongbai complex(TBC)are separately distributed in the middle and eastern parts of the Qinling-Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt. In this study, the Dabie complex can be divided into two units: one is the complex with no high pressure and ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks(DC1), and the other is the complex containing coesite-bearing eclogite lenses or boudins(DC2). Gneisses are predominant in the TBC, DC1 and DC2. Major and trace element data of gneisses in the TBC, DC1 and DC2 show them to be the orthogneisses. The gneisses in the DC1 have higher incompatible element contents and higher ratios of w(K2O)/ w(Na2O)and w(La)n/ w(Yb)nthan those in the DC2. However, no obvious differences arise in other element contents and the ratios of w(La)/w(Nb), w(Nb)/ w(Th), w(Nb)/w(Hf), w(Ba)/w(La), w(Sm)/w(Nd)and w(Th)/w(U)between the gneisses in the DC2 and those in the DC1. These observations suggest that the protoliths of the gneisses in the DC2 have affinities to those in the DC1. The difference between the DC1 and DC2 gneisses in incompatible element contents could reflect the difference in their partial melting extent. The TBC gneisses are geochemically similar to the DC1 gneisses, suggesting that the TBC and DC1 gneisses are the same lithologic unit in the Qinling-Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt and that they have experienced similar formations and evolution histories. In the Qinling-Tongbai area, the TBC is part of the northern blocks of the Yangtze craton. Given the similarity of geochemical characteristics, the rock assemblage and the ages between the TBC and DC1 gneisses, we can infer that the Dabie complex also belongs to the northern blocks of the Yangtze craton. In terms of the distribution of eclogites and metamorphic facies, we propose that the collisional suture in the Dabie area is distributed along the Xiaotian-Mozitan fault, at the contact with the Shang-Dan-Tongbai fault to the west.


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