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Volume 17 Issue 1
Mar 2006
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Songbai Peng, Zhenmin Jin, Yunhua Liu, Jianming Fu, Longqing He, Minghai Cai, Yanbin Wang. Petrochemistry, Chronology and Tectonic Setting of Strong Peraluminous Anatectic Granitoids in Yunkai Orogenic Belt, Western Guangdong Province, China. Journal of Earth Science, 2006, 17(1): 1-12.
Citation: Songbai Peng, Zhenmin Jin, Yunhua Liu, Jianming Fu, Longqing He, Minghai Cai, Yanbin Wang. Petrochemistry, Chronology and Tectonic Setting of Strong Peraluminous Anatectic Granitoids in Yunkai Orogenic Belt, Western Guangdong Province, China. Journal of Earth Science, 2006, 17(1): 1-12.

Petrochemistry, Chronology and Tectonic Setting of Strong Peraluminous Anatectic Granitoids in Yunkai Orogenic Belt, Western Guangdong Province, China


the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40072069

Chinese Geological Survey Project 200313000041

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Peng Songba,
  • Received Date: 20 Oct 2005
  • Accepted Date: 24 Dec 2005
  • Arguments persist on the genesis and ages for the banded-augen (rapakivi) anatectic granitoids (charnockite) extensively outcropped in the Yunkai (云开) region, western Guangdong (广东) Province. Their petrochemistry, SHRIMP dating, deformational and metamorphic structure were studied. The results show that most granitoids are A/CNK > 1.1, CaO /Na2O = 0.62-1.61 (average 0.94 > 0.3), Al2O3/TiO2 = 16.6-60.6 (average 23.68), depleted high field strong elements Ta, Nb, Zr, strong peraluminous high-K calcalkaline and calcalkaline granitoids in the post-collisional tectonic environment of a subduction-collision orogenic belt in an active-continental margin. The temperatures of charnockite and gneissic garnet-bearing biotite monzonitic granite are obviously higher than those of banded-augen (rapakivi) biotite monzonitic granite, and charnockite and gneissic garnet-bearing biotite monzonitic granite with the evolutional characteristics of A-type granites. The forming ages from banded-augen (rapakivi) biotite monzonitic granite to charnockite and gneissic garnet-bearing biotite monzonitic granite, whose crystallizing zircon SHRIMP ages are (465 ± 10) Ma, (467 ± 10) Ma, (435 ± 11) Ma and (413 ± 8) Ma, respectively, become younger. This shows that there was an oceaniccontinental subduction-collision and post-collisional extension-delamination-underplating between the Yangtze and Cathaysia plates during the Caledonian, and the granitoids experienced compressional uplift and extensional exhumation during the Indosinian. This provides important evidence of subduction collision of the Yangtze plate to the Cathaysia plate during the Caledonian in South China.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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