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Volume 17 Issue 2
Jun 2006
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Chun-fang KONG, Kai XU, Chong-long WU. Classification and Extraction of Urban Land-Use Information from High-Resolution Image Based on Object Multi-features. Journal of Earth Science, 2006, 17(2): 151-157.
Citation: Chun-fang KONG, Kai XU, Chong-long WU. Classification and Extraction of Urban Land-Use Information from High-Resolution Image Based on Object Multi-features. Journal of Earth Science, 2006, 17(2): 151-157.

Classification and Extraction of Urban Land-Use Information from High-Resolution Image Based on Object Multi-features


the Research Foundation for OutstandingYoung Teachers, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) CUGQNL0616

  • Received Date: 10 Aug 2005
  • Accepted Date: 15 Mar 2006
  • Urban land provides a suitable location for various economic activities which affect the development of surrounding areas. With rapid industrialization and urbanization, the contradictions in land-use become more noticeable. Urban administrators and decision-makers seek modern methods and technology to provide information support for urban growth. Recently, with the fast development of high-resolution sensor technology, more relevant data can be obtained, which is an advantage in studying the sustainable development of urban land-use. However, these data are only information sources and are a mixture of "information" and "noise". Processing, analysis and information extraction from remote sensing data is necessary to provide useful information. This paper extracts urban land-use information from a high-resolution image by using the multi-feature information of the image objects, and adopts an object-oriented image analysis approach and multi-scale image segmentation technology. A classification and extraction model is set up based on the multi-features of the image objects, in order to contribute to information for reasonable planning and effective management. This new image analysis approach offers a satisfactory solution for extracting information quickly and efficiently.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌,
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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