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Volume 19 Issue 5
Oct 2008
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Lian Zhou, Haiqiang Zhang, Jin Wang, Junhua Huang, Xinong Xie. Assessment on Redox Conditions and Organic Burial of Siliciferous Sediments at the Latest Permian Dalong Formation in Shangsi, Sichuan, South China. Journal of Earth Science, 2008, 19(5): 496-506.
Citation: Lian Zhou, Haiqiang Zhang, Jin Wang, Junhua Huang, Xinong Xie. Assessment on Redox Conditions and Organic Burial of Siliciferous Sediments at the Latest Permian Dalong Formation in Shangsi, Sichuan, South China. Journal of Earth Science, 2008, 19(5): 496-506.

Assessment on Redox Conditions and Organic Burial of Siliciferous Sediments at the Latest Permian Dalong Formation in Shangsi, Sichuan, South China


the SINOPEC project G0800-06-ZS-319

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40673020

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 90714010

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Zhou Lian,
  • Received Date: 20 May 2008
  • Accepted Date: 02 Jul 2008
  • The redox sensitive elements, molybdenum (Mo) and uranium (U), in marine sediments from the latest Permian Dalong (大隆) Formation at the Shangsi (上寺) Section, Northeast Sichuan (四川), South China, were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine their response to a range of redox conditions, and to estimate the organic carbon burial rate. On the basis of the correlation between authigenic Mo abundance and organic carbon content in modern oceans, the organic carbon burial rates were calculated for the rocks at Dalong Formation, ranging from 0.48–125.83 mmol/(m2·d), which shows a larger range than the mineralization rate of organic carbon at the continental margins (1.6–4.23 mmol/(m2·d)). The Zr-normalized Mo and U abundances show large fluctuations in the entire section. The maxima of Zr-normalized Mo abundance and thus the maxima of the organic carbon burial rates were observed at the interval between the 155th and 156th beds (404–407 m above the base of Middle Permian). A decrease (the minimum) in U/Mo ratios is present in this interval. It is speculated that the oxygen-limited conditions and ultimately anoxia or euxinia may develop within this depth interval. In contrast, an enhanced enrichment of Zr-normalized U abundance is found, in association with less enrichment in Zr-normalized Mo abundance in the interval from the 151st to 154th beds (395–404 m above the base of Middle Permian), inferring the dominance of a suboxic/anoxic depositional condition (denitrifying condition), or without free H2S. The presence of small quantities of dissolved oxygen may have caused the solubilization and loss of Mo from sediments. It is proposed that the multiple cycles of abrupt oxidation and reduction due to the upwelling at this interval lead to the enhanced accumulation of authigenic U, but less enrichment of Mo. A decrease in the contents of U, Mo, and TOC is found above the 157th bed (407 m above the base of Middle Permian), in association with the enhanced U/Mo ratio, suggesting the overall oxic conditions at the end of the Dalong Formation.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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