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Volume 19 Issue 6
Dec 2008
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Xiuxiang Lü, Zhongkai Bai, Jianjiao Li, Weiguang Wang, Hui Fu, Qinghua Wang. Effect of Faulting on Ordovician Carbonate Buried-Hill Reservoir Beds in Hetianhe Gas Field, Tarim Basin. Journal of Earth Science, 2008, 19(6): 625-635.
Citation: Xiuxiang Lü, Zhongkai Bai, Jianjiao Li, Weiguang Wang, Hui Fu, Qinghua Wang. Effect of Faulting on Ordovician Carbonate Buried-Hill Reservoir Beds in Hetianhe Gas Field, Tarim Basin. Journal of Earth Science, 2008, 19(6): 625-635.

Effect of Faulting on Ordovician Carbonate Buried-Hill Reservoir Beds in Hetianhe Gas Field, Tarim Basin


the National Basic Research Program of China 2005CB422108

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40672092

  • Received Date: 25 Jul 2008
  • Accepted Date: 28 Sep 2008
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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