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Volume 15 Issue 3
Sep 2004
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Honghan Chen, John Parnell, Zaisheng Gong, Sitian Li. Observation of Catastrophic Degassing from Mantle-Crust in Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea. Journal of Earth Science, 2004, 15(3): 295-305.
Citation: Honghan Chen, John Parnell, Zaisheng Gong, Sitian Li. Observation of Catastrophic Degassing from Mantle-Crust in Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea. Journal of Earth Science, 2004, 15(3): 295-305.

Observation of Catastrophic Degassing from Mantle-Crust in Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea


the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40238060

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40372068

  • Received Date: 18 Mar 2004
  • Accepted Date: 05 May 2004
  • To lower the CO2 risk for hydrocarbon exploration in the west continental shelf of Yinggehai basin, South China Sea, we do attempt not only to know the CO2 origins, but also to make an understanding of the degassing processes from the mantle and crust. Based on the stable carbon isotope ratios of CO2 alone, the organic and inorganic CO2 can be successively distinguished, but the formation conditions and mixing processes for inorganic CO2 are still not clear. The relationships between lg[R(= 3He/4He)/Ra (=1.386×10-6)] and CO2 content (%), CO2/3He and δ13CCO2 have been employed, respectively, to obtain that the CO2 gases in the reservoirs can be classified into three categories: (1) organic CO2 with very low contents but contaminated by mantle-derived helium; (2) inorganic CO2 gases with lower to higher contents being mixtures of crustal CO2 with mantle-derived CO2, the mantle-contributed percentage being in the range of 0 %-27 %, and (3) mainly crust-derived inorganic CO2 gases being characterized by high contents (more than 50 %) and indicating the crustal addition by metamorphism of rich-in carbon rocks in basement. Nevertheless, some CO2/3He ratios of organic CO2 fall into the range 108-1010, which made us inquire whether the CO2/3He = (1-10) × 109 can be the unique signature of magmatic CO2 or not. All the observation of plutonic activities, fluid inclusion measurements in gas reservoirs, pre-stack depth/time seismic sections and the satellite infrared remote photography taken from Yinggehai basin, South China Sea, during Chichi earthquake in Taiwan on September 21, 1999, supports that the degassing processes are in a discontinuous mode, which may be triggered by igneous intrusion or extrusion, or earthquakes. In the central diapir zone of the basin, at least 3 to 4 orders of discharge of across-formational thermal fluid flows through fractures can be determined in different scales. The mantle degassing process may have a strong effect on overpressured system forming and outgassing in crust. However, it is very difficult to estimate the transferring rates for a special fractured zone at a specific time interval.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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