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Volume 20 Issue 2
Apr 2009
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Suhua Cheng, Xingyun Lai, Zhendong You. P-T Paths Derived from Garnet Growth Zoning in Danba Domal Metamorphic Terrain, Sichuan Province, West China. Journal of Earth Science, 2009, 20(2): 219-240. doi: 10.1007/s12583-009-0022-3
Citation: Suhua Cheng, Xingyun Lai, Zhendong You. P-T Paths Derived from Garnet Growth Zoning in Danba Domal Metamorphic Terrain, Sichuan Province, West China. Journal of Earth Science, 2009, 20(2): 219-240. doi: 10.1007/s12583-009-0022-3

P-T Paths Derived from Garnet Growth Zoning in Danba Domal Metamorphic Terrain, Sichuan Province, West China

doi: 10.1007/s12583-009-0022-3

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40472097

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 90814006

Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China 20070491516

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Cheng Suhua,
  • Received Date: 06 Dec 2008
  • Accepted Date: 06 Jan 2009
  • Danba (丹巴) domal metamorphic terrain belongs to Songpan (松潘)-Ganze (甘孜) orogenic belt, where typical Barrovian and Buchan metamorphic zones are preserved. The former included chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite and sillimanite zones, while the latter only developed silimanite+muscovite and sillimanite+K-feldspar zones. Integrated study has been carried on metamorphic reactions of garnet production and consumption, P-T paths and P-T-X-M phase relation and thermal tectonic model for Danba metamorphic zones. Petrological textures in thin sections show that garnet production and consumption in kyanite-sillimanite zone is mainly attributed to Chl+Ms+Pl+Q= Grt+Bt+H 2O and kyanite=sillimanite respectively. Based on mineral compositions, the geothermobarometry gives an average P, T condition of (4.9±0.3)×10 8 Pa, 543±30 ℃ for the first growth stage of the garnet and (5.8±0.3)×10 8 Pa, 534±29 ℃ for the second stage of garnet growth respectively. Anti-counter clockwise P- T paths were drawn using Gibbs method by NCMnKFMASH system for sample G98686 in the kyanite zone. The P- T- X-M modeling for the first mineral assemblages shows that the prediction is similar to the measured values in gossular, almandine and spessartine but mole fraction of pyrope and Fe/(Fe+Mg) deviated far from the contours; while that for the second mineral assemblages exhibits that the prediction is consistent with the measured value of pyrope, grossular content and Fe/(Fe+Mg) of garnet. A thermal tectonic model that there are at least three structure levels across the thrust-decollement zones is presented according to the P- T paths, metamorphic grades and deformation styles for the staurolite-kyanite zone of the Barrovian type metamorphism, which will provide some constraints for the evolution of the nappe complex.


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