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Volume 23 Issue 4
Aug 2012
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Zhanhong LIU. Orbital cycles analysis and its genesis significance for the sequence hierarchy: A case study of Carboniferous Karashayi Formation, Central Tarim basin. Journal of Earth Science, 2012, 23(4): 516-528. doi: 10.1007/s12583-012-0272-3
Citation: Zhanhong LIU. Orbital cycles analysis and its genesis significance for the sequence hierarchy: A case study of Carboniferous Karashayi Formation, Central Tarim basin. Journal of Earth Science, 2012, 23(4): 516-528. doi: 10.1007/s12583-012-0272-3

Orbital cycles analysis and its genesis significance for the sequence hierarchy: A case study of Carboniferous Karashayi Formation, Central Tarim basin

doi: 10.1007/s12583-012-0272-3

the SINOPEC Forward Looking Project of China YPH08114

Petrochemical Joint Fund 40839910

the Central University of Special Funds of China CUGL120253

the Young Teacher Founding Project of China University of Geosciences CUGQNL0826

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Zhanhong LIU,
  • Received Date: 15 Dec 2011
  • Accepted Date: 08 Mar 2012
  • Publish Date: 01 Aug 2012
  • The Carboniferous Karashayi (卡拉沙依) Formation of Tarim basin formed in the epicontinental sea shelf environment where the evolution of basins is pediocratic. As an important reservoir-forming combination, the Carboniferous Karashayi Formation consist of clastic rocks, carbonate rocks and gypsum rocks, which show clear sedimentary cyclicity. According to paleontology research and stratigraphic correlation, Karashayi Formation corresponds to Visean and Serpukhovian in international stratigraphic chart with a time limit about ±27 Ma. The sequence stratigraphic study for the Karashayi Formation is rough because of the difficulty to identify the unconformity surfaces. The current study mostly divides it into three or four 3rd sequences. However, this partition cannot meet the geological crossing correlation. At the theory aspect of sequence stratigraphy, the genesis of the 3rd sequence is also a disputed problem. Cyclostratigraphy study of the Natural Gamma-Ray Log, Spontaneous Potential Log and other logging curves has been taken out by spectrum analysis and wavelet analysis, etc.. For Well Shun6 and Well Zhong1 in Tazhong (塔中) and neighbouring area, combined core observation and base level analysis, the Karashayi Formation was divided into 9 or 11 sequence stratigraphic units. Continuous constraints of each sequence is about ±2.40 Ma, corresponding to astronomical cycle formed by three parameters of Earth orbit. Accompanied by the historical division of 3rd sequences, the formation mechanism of 3rd sequences was possibly forced by the 2.4 Ma astro-nomical eccentricity cycles.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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