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Volume 31 Issue 1
Jan 2020
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Article Contents
Yiming Liu, Jiaren Ye, Qiang Cao, Baolin Yang, Zhongrong Liu. Hydrocarbon Generation, Migration, and Accumulation in the Eocene Niubao Formation in the Lunpola Basin, Tibet, China: Insights from Basin Modeling and Fluid Inclusion Analysis. Journal of Earth Science, 2020, 31(1): 195-206. doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-1211-3
Citation: Yiming Liu, Jiaren Ye, Qiang Cao, Baolin Yang, Zhongrong Liu. Hydrocarbon Generation, Migration, and Accumulation in the Eocene Niubao Formation in the Lunpola Basin, Tibet, China: Insights from Basin Modeling and Fluid Inclusion Analysis. Journal of Earth Science, 2020, 31(1): 195-206. doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-1211-3

Hydrocarbon Generation, Migration, and Accumulation in the Eocene Niubao Formation in the Lunpola Basin, Tibet, China: Insights from Basin Modeling and Fluid Inclusion Analysis

doi: 10.1007/s12583-019-1211-3
More Information
  • Corresponding author: Jiaren Ye
  • Received Date: 11 Nov 2018
  • Accepted Date: 25 Mar 2019
  • Publish Date: 01 Jan 2020
  • The Eocene Niubao Formation is the primary research target of oil exploration in the Lunpola Basin. Crude oil was extracted from Well Z1 on the northern margin of the basin in 1993. In this study, an integrated evaluation of the source rock, geothermal, and maturity histories and the fluid inclusion and fluid potential distributions was performed to aid in predicting areas of hydrocarbon accumulation. Due to the abundance of organic matter, the kerogen types, maturity, and oil-sources correlate with the geochemical data. The middle submember of the second member of the Niubao Formation (E2n2-2) is the most favorable source rock based on the amount of oil produced from the E2n2-3and E2n3-1reservoirs. One- and two-dimensional basin modeling, using BasinMod software, shows that the E2n2-2source rock started to generate hydrocarbon at 35-30 Ma, reached a maturity of Ro=0.7% at 25-20 Ma, and at present, it has reached the peak oil generation stage with a thermal maturity of Ro=0.8% to less than Ro=1.0%. By using fiuid inclusion petrography, fiuorescence spectroscopy, and microthermometry, two major periods of oil charging have been revealed at 26.1-17.5 and 32.4-24.6 Ma. The oil accumulation modeling results, conducted by using the Trinity software, show a good fit of the oil shows in the wells and predict that the structural highs and lithologic transitions within the Jiangriaco and Paco sags are potential oil traps. KEY WORDS:Niubao Formation, Lunpola Basin, source rocks, basin modeling, fluid inclusions, hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, petroleum geology.


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