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Volume 13 Issue 1
Mar 2002
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Shutian Suo, Zengqiu Zhong, Hanwen Zhou, Zhendong You. Triassic Collisional Structures and Post-Collisional Deformation of Bixiling UHP Rock Stack: Insights for Tectonic Evolution of UHP Metamorphic Belt in Dabie Massif,Central China. Journal of Earth Science, 2002, 13(1): 1-13.
Citation: Shutian Suo, Zengqiu Zhong, Hanwen Zhou, Zhendong You. Triassic Collisional Structures and Post-Collisional Deformation of Bixiling UHP Rock Stack: Insights for Tectonic Evolution of UHP Metamorphic Belt in Dabie Massif,Central China. Journal of Earth Science, 2002, 13(1): 1-13.

Triassic Collisional Structures and Post-Collisional Deformation of Bixiling UHP Rock Stack: Insights for Tectonic Evolution of UHP Metamorphic Belt in Dabie Massif,Central China


the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.49972067) and the Major State Basic Research Development Program G1999075506

  • Received Date: 23 Dec 2001
  • Accepted Date: 10 Jan 2002
  • Detailed three-dimensional structural studies indicate that the Bixiling area, Dabie massif, central China shows the deepest exposed levels of the orogenic wedge formed during the Triassic Yangtze-Sino-Korean continental collision, New 1 : 10000 scale structural mapping, combined with detailed petrological analysis in this area, has enabled us to accurately distinguish structures related to the Triassic continental collision from those related to post-collisional deformation in the ultrahigh pressure(UHP)metamorphic unit.The collisional or compressional structures include the massive eclogite with a weak foliation, foliated eclogite or UHP ductile shear zones, as well as upper amphibolite facies shear zones, whereas the post-collisional deformation is characterized by a regionally, flat-lying foliation containing stretching lineations and common reclined folds. The former is present exclusively in the eclogite lenses and their margins, representing orogenic thickening or syn-collisional events, while the latter was best occurred on varilable scales under amphibolite facies conditions, showing sub-verticai, extreme shortening and ductile thinning of the metamorphic rock stack, The eclogite facies tectonites that have a marked fabric discordance to the penetrative amphibolife facies extension flow fabric are common.It is emphasized that an extensional tectonic setting following the collision-orogenic thickening stage was, at least partly, responsible for exhumation of the UHP metamorphic rocks in the Dabie massif. A new tectonlc evolution model is proposed for the UHP metamorphic belt on the scale of the Dabie massif.The Bixiling area thus provides a window, from which the dynamic processes concerning the formation and exhumation of the UHP rocks can be observed.Regional studies in the Dabie Mountains have confirmed this interpretation.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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