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Volume 18 Issue 3
Jun 2007
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Bill X Hu, Xiaowei Jiang, Li Wan. Integration of Tracer Test Data to Refine Geostatistical Hydraulic Conductivity Fields Using Sequential Self-Calibration Method. Journal of Earth Science, 2007, 18(3): 242-256.
Citation: Bill X Hu, Xiaowei Jiang, Li Wan. Integration of Tracer Test Data to Refine Geostatistical Hydraulic Conductivity Fields Using Sequential Self-Calibration Method. Journal of Earth Science, 2007, 18(3): 242-256.

Integration of Tracer Test Data to Refine Geostatistical Hydraulic Conductivity Fields Using Sequential Self-Calibration Method


the Program of Outstanding Overseas Youth Chinese Scholar, the National Natural Science Foundation of China 40528003

partially supported by USA National Science Foundation 

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Bill X Hu,
  • Received Date: 29 Mar 2007
  • Accepted Date: 22 Jun 2007
  • On the basis of local measurements of hydraulic conductivity, geostatistical methods have been found to be useful in heterogeneity characterization of a hydraulic conductivity field on a regional scale. However, the methods are not suited to directly integrate dynamic production data, such as, hydraulic head and solute concentration, into the study of conductivity distribution. These data, which record the flow and transport processes in the medium, are closely related to the spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity. In this study, a three-dimensional gradient-based inverse method—the sequential self-calibration (SSC) method—is developed to calibrate a hydraulic conductivity field, initially generated by a geostatistical simulation method, conditioned on tracer test results. The SSC method can honor both local hydraulic conductivity measurements and tracer test data. The mismatch between the simulated hydraulic conductivity field and the reference true one, measured by its mean square error (MSE), is reduced through the SSC conditional study. In comparison with the unconditional results, the SSC conditional study creates the mean breakthrough curve much closer to the reference true curve, and significantly reduces the prediction uncertainty of the solute transport in the observed locations. Further, the reduction of uncertainty is spatially dependent, which indicates that good locations, geological structure, and boundary conditions will affect the efficiency of the SSC study results.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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